
Relationships are one of the most important aspects of your life. Close, connected relationships bring a depth and richness unmatched by other endeavors or accomplishments.  Sometimes, however, struggles in relating effectively can be the source of great disappointment and distress. Friends, family members, intimate partners, coworkers, even neighbors can bring struggles and challenges that affect your sense of happiness and wellbeing. Conversely, your personal difficulties can sometimes create barriers to intimacy or cause distress in the lives of the people you care about.

Common struggles we can address in therapy include:

  • Betrayal
  • Changes and transitions
  • Communication problems
  • Depression or anxiety
  • Disconnection from others
  • Fear of rejection
  • Ineffective conflict resolution
  • Sexual problems
  • Trust issues
  • Traumatic or life changing events
  • Unhealthy relational patterns
  • Unmet emotional needs
  • Unrealistic expectations

Our Work Together
Each relationship is unique and has unique challenges. You may be able to identify with a number of struggles listed above, or have something else that you would like to work on. Together we will explore your specific relationship challenges – from the past and present - and what you would like to be different.  With compassion, we will examine what is not working, and the underlying causes, as well as develop new, more effective ways of communicating and connecting with the people you care about.

Call 303-709-1995 or click here to get started.